Tuesday 2 June 2015

Uncanny Avengers: Ragnarok Now Review

Finished reading Uncanny Avengers: Ragnarok Now, this a continuation of writer Rick Remender's Uncanny Avengers story that stated in The Apocalypse Twins. The book opens up where the last one left of with the Scarlet Witch getting Wonderman out of his prison in order to ask for his help to bring the mutants of Earth on to the Apocalypse Twins' ark to lead a fight against the Twins. Meanwhile Captain America, Havok, and the Wasp are heading to the ark to destroy the Tachyon Dam inside the ark so the team can get help from Immortus and his Infinity Watch in the future as this is happening Rogue and Sunfire unshackle Wolverine after being tortured by his son Daken, he tells Rogue about the spell that Wanda is going to cast leading to Rogue borrowing some of Wolverine's powers as she and Sunfire go after Wanda. After an intense battle the spell is completed as Wanda draws her last breath and all the mutants of Earth are teleported into stasis pods aboard the ark just as a Celestial named Exiter the Executioner emerges to judge Earth. On Earth the Avengers are with Dr Doom as they try to delay Exiter from passing his judgement upon the planet long enough for Thor to get his axe Jarnbjorn from the Apocalypse Twins. Overall this was a great book the stakes are built high and stay that way throughout the book. Even though this was a very action heavy book there is still some great character developments with the relationship between the Wasp and Havok building very nicely while Thor pretty much steals each scene he's in especially when he's fighting the Sentry and the Apocalypse Twins. 8/10.

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