Saturday 30 May 2015

Uncanny Avengers: The Apocalypse Twins Review

Finished reading Uncanny Avengers: The Apocalypse Twins, continuing writer Rick Remender's run on the series as it deals with consequences of Wolverine's actions in Remender's Uncanny X-Force series. The book opens up to a young Thor in 1013 meeting Apocalypse for the first time as the naive Thor retreats to Asgard to enchant his axe Jarnbjorn to defeat Apocalypse who has traveled to London to kill Wolverine's ancestor under the advice of Rama-Tut who has now changed history to help himself as Kang in the present. With Thor's axe now enchanted the children of Archangel the Apocalypse Twins use the Jarnbjorn to kill a celestial gaining the attention of the Avengers and S.W.O.R.D as the twins destroy S.W.O.R.D's headquarters orbiting Earth with the Avengers splitting up with Thor and Sunspot dealing with the satellite's debris over Rio while the rest of the team search for Captain America's escape pod as Cap stumbles upon a message from Immortus warning him of the Apocalypse Twins as he failed to change their destiny as Kang. Once Wonder Man gets Captain America back to the Avengers Mansion the team split into two factions when they discover what Wolverine and his X-Force team where doing, which leaves the team vulnerable as the twins resurrect Banshee, Daken, Sentry and Grim Reaper as their Housemen of Death to deal with the Avengers on a more personal level as the twins try to convince the Scarlet Witch to join their cause in saving all of Earth's mutant inhabitants. Overall this was a great book the Apocalypse Twins motive and backstory is explained extremely well thanks to the use of the Age of Ultron tie in which showed how Kang was raising them. One thing that lets the book down is that it slightly relies on the reader knowing what happened during the events of Uncanny X-Force as it constantly references the series throughout. 8/10.

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