Saturday 2 May 2015

Batman: Zero Year- Dark City Review

Finished reading Batman: Zero Year- Dark City this concludes the Zero Year story arc by creative team Scott Snyder and Greg Capullo. The book opens up with the Gotham police chasing Batman as they believe he's is behind the death of former Wayne Enterprises employees who have had their bones grow exponentially long and twisted out of their bodies until they die by a formula created by doctor Karl Helfern aka Doctor Death who has been a destruction to Batman so the Riddler can continue with his plans of keeping Gotham in the dark without power as an oncoming hurricane heads to Gotham. With the plan to jam the Riddler's signal Batman uses a "Bat Blimp" to get onto the Riddler's weather balloon where Batman has his final battle with Doctor Death as his formula takes full effect when he gets a pice of shrapnel wedged in his body killing him as Batman fails to prevent the Riddler's plans as he destroys the flood defences as the balloon crashes into the city with Batman inside. The second part of the book begins with Bruce Wayne waking up in an apartment a month later after being taking care of by a small family as Riddler has turned Gotham into his own post apocalyptic playground with Gordon bring in a tactical squad team as they find Batman and Lucius Fox in order to end the Riddler's reign over Gotham. This leads to an end battle of wits with the Riddler and Batman in Gotham's museum as Batman is able to save the city by turning the power back on. Overall this was an amazing book as it showcased some of Batman's survival skills with the colosseum fight against lions. It also delves into more of Bruce Wayne's history as a child before the death of his parents and in is teenage years. The book also puts a spotlight on Jim Gordon as well telling of his first weeks as a cop in Gotham. 9.5/10.

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