Saturday 9 May 2015

Superman Unchained Review

Finished reading Superman Unchained by creative team Scott Snyder and Jim Lee. The book opens up with Superman in space stopping satellites and a space station from crashing into populated areas of Earth and saving the Astronauts onboard in the process. After posting his article about the crashing satellites Lois Lane calls Clark to say that his facts are wrong as there was another satellite that crashed in to the ocean where Superman finds evidence of another superbeing while investigating the crash site. After help from Batman, Superman heads to Utah after tracking the beings energy signature where he is met by General Sam Lane with a whole army platoon and their own "Superman" named Wraith who has been the army's secret weapon for decades as he was the "bomb" that hit Nagasaki in 1945. Thanks to the the help of Lane's team Wraith and Superman head to Tokyo to stop Ascension who have taken control of several unmanned war machines. Meanwhile Lois Lane is captured by Ascension who launches all of Earths nuclear missiles with Superman stoping the missiles by using Ascension Earthstone which is similar to the crystals in the Fortress of Solitude. Back at the Fortress Superman and Lois examine the Earthstone only to be attacked by Sam Lanes platoon where they are defeated leading to Superman to discovering that Wraith is in the Batcave fighting Batman and Wonder Woman. After Superman deals with Wraith by beating him between the Mantle's of the Earth. The book ends with Lex Luthor warning Superman of an oncoming alien threat as he goes to meet them head on with Wraith saving Superman and the throwing him back to Earth. Overall this was a good book as it explored the friendship and respect Clark has with Lois while being in is civil identity and while being Superman. The dynamic between Superman and Wraith is intriguing however it does fall short in places as Wraith try's to kill Superman with any chance he gets because he's following the orders of General Sam Lane. 7.5/10.

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