Tuesday 16 June 2015

Captain America: Loose Nuke Review

Finished reading Captain America: Loose Nuke, this deals with the aftermath of what happened to Captain America during his time in Dimension Z. The book opens up with Bruce Banner and Hank Pym giving Steve a medical examination as Nick Fury is interrogating Jet Black in order to find out what happened in Dimension Z. After vouching for Jet, Cap takes her back to his home where they begin to properly morn over the deaths of Ian and Zola. After hearing what happened Falcon meets with Steve to catch up leading to Steve breaking down when he opens up to Sam as he has lost everything thing. Meanwhile in Nrosvekisan super soldier Nuke is causing carnage by killing innocent people and soldiers leading to S.H.I.E.L.D calling in Captain America to deal with the situation against Falcon's advice. Overall this was a good book as it dived nicely into Steve's emotions and how he deals with the loss of his son and the love of his life as Falcon tries to help him morn. While the presence of new villain Iron Nail is intriguing as his origin involves the original Nick Fury and the Winter Soldier in 1969. 7/10

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