Tuesday 9 June 2015

Captain America: Castaway in Dimension Z Review

Finished reading Captain America: Castaway in Dimension Z this begins Rick Remender Marvel Now series. The book opens up with Captain America above Manhattan stopping a plane from dropping a dangerous bomb on the city below before meeting up with Sharon Carter for his birthday as they detour to an old subway line which turns out to be an extra dimensional doorway as Steve is taken hostage to Dimension Z as he becomes Arnim Zola's test subject with his blood being transplanted to Zola's baby son. As Steve escapes Zola's fortress taking the infant with him. One year later Steve and his adopted son Ian seek refuge with the Phrox after being chased by Zola's mutant army only for them to be mistaken to be allies of Zola with one of the Phrox named Ksul taking Steve and Ian to his home to recuperate leading to Steve finding out that Arnim Zola injected a virus into Steve's body as a peice of Zola's conciseness appears on his chest. After eleven years living with Ksul and his family Ian discovers the Zola virus inside Steve leaving with them heading back to Zola's fortress in order to get back to Earth and get rid of the virus. Overall this was a great book as Steve becomes a parent to Ian which brings a new aspect to the character while making him relatable as Ian becomes his world after losing everything he knew from Earth. While the flashbacks to Steve's past shows how he became the man be is today and using his experiences to help rise Ian and get through the hardships of Dimension Z. 8/10

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