Saturday 27 June 2015

The Superior Spider-Man: Necessary Evil Review

Finished reading The Superior Spider-Man: Necessary Evil this continues Doctor Octopus' story of being a better Spider-Man than Peter Parker after a last ditch to cheat death leading to him implanting his consciousness into Spider-Man. The book opens in 2099 as the future Spider-Man Miguel O'Hera deals with a time displaced dinosaur as he heads to the labs of Alchemax finding out that time is slowly being rewritten as Alchemax CEO Tyler Stone is being erased from history because of an event in the past. In the modern day at Horizon Labs annual Softball game Max Modell the CEO of Horizon Labs is arrested for questioning over the company's goings on because of former employee Tiberius Stone giving information to the government as part of his revenge plot. As Spider-Man gives chase to Tiberius and his new boss Liz Allen for answers he is stopped by Spider-Man 2099 preventing Ock from doing anything that could cause the collapse of the futures timeline. After a confrontation between the two Spider-Men Miguel is in need of some extra help and uploads his AI assistant Lyla from the future to his communicator to give him any additional information he needs to complete his mission as Tyler Stone was not helping at all. The final story of the book as Doc Ock facing a ghost from his past, Angelina Brancale who has awoken from her coma that was caused by an explosion of a virtual reality system that projects realistic holograms. After receiving the news of Doc Ock's death Angelina reactivates the virtual reality system and as Stunner heads out to find Spider-Man so he can pay for killing Doc Ock. Overall this was a great book the Spider-Man 2099 story as Miguel meets with Doc Ock Spider-Man for the first time makes the story unpredictable as Miguel has to deal with a different Spider-Man to the one he knows which complicates things. The side story of Peter Parkers ex, officer Charle Cooper finding out the truth of how Spider-Man is funding his Spider-Army helps foreshadow as her notes end up in the Wrong hands that spells disaster for Doc Ock's organisation. 8.5/10.

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