Tuesday 27 March 2018

Star Wars: The Screaming Citadel Review

Finished reading Star Wars: The Screaming Citadel, crossing over with the main Star Wars book and the Doctor Aphra book as writers Kieron Gillen and Jason Aaron bring the second crossover of Marvel's Star Wars books. The book opens with Luke Skywalker going to a bar on the planet Horox III where he gets into a fight with the locals along with Doctor Aphra who has come to talk to him about a proposition she has that can help her with an artefact she recently found that can also help Luke with is Jedi training as the artefact contains the archived personality of an ancient Jedi. This leads to Luke and Aphra travelling to the citadel of Ktath'atn to meet with the planet's queen in hole to unlock the secrets within the artefact. However once Sana, Han and Leia discover where Luke has go the decide to follow him and Aphra as there could be something quite sinister at play. Overall this was a great book as it sends the characters on a great adventure that takes them to the planet Ktath'atn where they find themselves having to work together when the planet's queen plans on enslaving everyone. There is a great amount of comedy within the book that comes from the great interactions between the cast of each series thanks to the way they have different views in the situations they find themselves in. The art throughout the book is amazing thanks to the way each art team is able to make the characters emote and some of the location designs look breathtaking in places. 8.5/10.

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