Tuesday 13 March 2018

Spider-Man 2099: Apocalypse Soon Review

Finished reading Spider-Man 2099: Apocalypse Soon, continuing the adventures of Miguel O'Hara in the present as he and the Captain America of 2099 find themselves working with Elektra in their fight against the Fist. The book opens with Miguel and Captain America from 2099 taking a plane to Denver where the organisation the Fist are currently based. While on the plane Miguel is met by Elektra who is also on her own mission to bring an end to the Fist which leads to the three working together where they find themselves working towards the same goal, especially when the group find out that the Fist are planning an attack on an environment seminar in Chicago. Meanwhile in a Parter Industries medical facility Miguel's fiancĂ©e, Tempest wakes up form her coma which leads to the news going to someone very surprising when Miguel is unable to receive the news. Overall this was a great book as writer Peter David continues the series as Spider-Man plans on brings the Fist down around the same time the Fist themselves begin to escalate their own plans. The team up with Spider-Man, Captain America and Elektra is great as brings a new angle to how the Fist is affecting the wider Marvel universe which also bring some great interactions between the characters due to the different reactions they have with the situation they find themselves in that also bring a nice amount of comedic moments within the book. The art by Will Sliney continues to be one of the most amazing batts of the series thanks with the way the set and character designs work well together along with how well the action scenes feel cinematic in places. 8/10.

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