Saturday 10 March 2018

Captain America: Sam Wilson: End of the Line Review

Finished reading Captain America: Sam Wilson: End of the Line, continuing the Sam Wilson centric Captain America series as writer Nick Spencer puts Sam in a difficult position when he discovers that one of his allies have fount themselves arrested after being attacked by the private police force know as the Americops. The book opens with Sam finding out that Rage has been arrested by the Americops after trying to stop a robbery at a local shop. Sam mets with Rage with the hope to help him only for Rage to decline as he wants to show how the justice system will perceive him regardless of the fact that he is innocent. Which leads to Sam taking more of a back seat while trying to help rage the best he can while Rage is on trial. The final part of the book features the first appearance of Rage in a classic Avengers story. Overall this was a great book as it continues the series a Sam is continuing to find it hard to live up to the mantle of Captain America with people's reaction to Rage's trial along with its aftermath, which eventually leads to him to step down as Captain America at the end of the book in quite a shocking way. The whole story centring around Rage is very intriguing that's to how writer Nick Spencer brings some social and political commentary that helps to inform to the drama and helps to build the suspense within the books story. The art throughout the book is great thanks to the way the whole art team brings the courtroom drama to life along with bringing each character's emotional responses to the events that transpiring within the book. 8/10.

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