Saturday 3 March 2018

Avengers: Unleashed: Kang War One Review

Finished reading Avengers: Unleashed: Kang War One, staring a new Avengers series after the fallout of Marvel's Civil War II event writer Mark Waid sends the Avengers on an adventure that spends the whole timeline of the main Marvel universe. The book opens with the Avengers teaming up with Hercules to fight a Frost-Wolf when Sam Wilson offers Herc a place on the team since losing members during the fallout of Civil War II. The team then meet at the Baxter Building after all of them got invitations from Peter Parker who hopes to help fund the team since Tony Stark is currently indisposed. Before making a decision the Avengers notice a large explosion in the city as Kang is attacking Vision after he kidnapped a baby Kang which causes Kang to multiple versions of himself as due to the baby Kang being in the present is creating multiple time paradoxes. Overall this was a great book as it brings an end to Kang's conflict with the Avengers that stated at the beginning of All New, All Different Avengers by sending the team on a time traveling adventure that has some great moments of tension with the whole existence the Avengers as a team and a concept. The book does a great job is giving each character enough spotlight within the book, surprisingly Kang gets his own story within the book that delves into his origin and is he was able to build his own empire. The art by Mike Del Mundo is amazing as the time traveling is drawn in the most weird way thanks to the way it takes advantage of the different aesthetics of each time period while also bring some breathtaking action scenes and emoting of each character helps to give more impact on the dialogue. 8/10.

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