Saturday 27 January 2018

Spider-Woman: Shifting Gears: Scare Tactics Review

Finished reading Spider-Woman: Shifting Gears: Scare Tactics, concluding the second Spider-Woman as writer Dennis Hopeless rings an end to the series as Roger Gocking past as a super villain has come back to haunt him. The book opens with Spider-Woman in a middle of a fight with the villain Blizzard when she heads home to get a different set of clothes where she sees Ben Urich covering Roger's babysitting shift for Jessica's son Gerry as Roger has go to an appointment. When Roger returns, Hobgoblin and a group of villains seemingly kills him which sends Jessica into fully commit into finding Hobgoblin with the hope to avenge her friend. The final story of the book sees Jessica setting up a party for some of her superhero friends on the top of her building meanwhile in her apartment Gerry begins to develop his own superpowers, similar to those of his mother's which becomes a problem for Roger when try to deal with Gerry. Overall this was an amazing book as it brings an end to the series as writer Dennis Hopeless wraps up multiple plot points from throughout the series while also giving it an extremely satisfying ending. The book also continues to deliver on some amazing character development for each of the characters within the book as Jessica and Carol are able to rebuild their friendship that became tainted during the events of Civil War II, while Roger gets surprisingly the most development within the book thanks to his history as Porcupine is fleshed outside along with the way his past has cone back to affect his life. The books artwork by artist Veronica Fish is amazing as it brings the action and character drama to life extremely well thanks to how effective the art is for the story while it still fits into the books aesthetic thanks to colour palette used by colourist Rachelle Rosenberg. 9/10.

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