Saturday 6 January 2018

Karnak: The Flaw in all Things Review

Finished reading Karnak: The Flaw in all Things, giving the spotlight to one of the main Inhuman cast members as writer Warren Ellis sees Karnak teaming up with S.H.I.E.L.D. to search for a kidnapped boy how recently discovered that he is an Inhuman. The book opens with Karnak getting a call from S.H.I.E.L.D. at the Tower of Wisdom before meeting with Phil Coulson at a S.H.I.E.L.D. substation in the Arctic where Karnak meets with the parents of their kidnapped son Adam Roderick recently went through Terrigenesis which appeared to have barely changed him. Accepting to help find Adam, Karnak begins his search in Berlin where a group named I.D.I.C. who kidnapped Adam are based where Karnak soon finds out things are not what they appear to be when he discovers that the this isn't a simple kidnapping as Karnak soon discovers what Adam's Inhuman abilities truly are and how they could have disastrous consequences on the rest of the world. Overall this was an amazing book as it sends Karnak on a solo mission to rescue an Inhuman from a kidnapping only for the book to take an intriguing and surprising turn with how the young Inhuman ends up becoming in charge to the organisation that kidnapped him as he seemingly begins his own religion thanks to how powerful his Inhuman abilities are. There are some great character interactions between Karnak and the rest of the book's cast from his working relationship with Phil Coulson to the interactions that Karnak has with Adam Roderick and his followers show how much they eventually start to get under his skin. The art throughout the book is amazing as the whole art team is able to bring the brutality of Karnak's fighting style to life extremely well thanks to the way the art focuses on the action scenes. While there is some amazing character designs within the book as some of the people that start to believe in the young Inhuman's abilities leads to some great and at times look horrifying in design which leads to some more great action scenes when Karnak has to fight these creatures. 9/10.

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