Tuesday 16 January 2018

Captain America: Steve Rogers: The Trial of Maria Hill Review

Finished reading Captain America: Steve Rogers: The Trial of Maria Hill, continuing the Steve Rogers centric Captain America series from writer Nick Spencer as Steve's current status as a secret Hydra agent. The book opens with a flashback to Steve's time within the Hydra school he attended as the flashback scenes continue with Steve becoming friends with Baron Zemo and eventually meeting Doctor Erskine. Meanwhile in the present the Red Skull has continued to build Hydra's forces after successfully helping the people in Sokovia with their fight against the dictator of the country. The book then continues with Steve at the Alpha Flight space station helping Captain Marvel against an constant swarm of Chitauri, while back on Earth Maria Hill is preparing for her trail over the incident at Pleasant Hill with the hope to get of free with the potential of an Earth wide shield to help protect alien invaders. Overall this was a good book as continues to build upon the story of Captain America being a secret Hydra agent and how this came about thanks to the great flashbacks of a younger Steve Rogers showing the difference of Steve's history since the Hydra reveal. The present day storyline with the Red Skull's new direction with Hydra and the fall out of S.H.I.E.L.D. dealing with Maria Hill after Pleasant Hill take interesting directions especially with how Steve allegiance to Hydra affects these situations. The whole art team does a great job throughout the book in bringing the great character moments and interactions to life extremely well as each character's emotion is shown thanks to the great detail that's but into the book drama and conversations. While the transition between the the present day storyline and the flashbacks to Steve's twisted past continue to have the changing colour palette that worked extremely well. 7.5/10.

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