Friday 20 November 2015

Steve Jobs Film Review

Finished watching Steve Jobs, directed by Danny Boyle and starring Michael Fassbender, Kate Winslet, Katherine Waterston, Makenzie Moss, Ripley Sabo, Perla Haney-Jardine, Seth Rogan and Jeff Daniels. The film opens up in 1984 as Steve Jobs (Michael Fassbender) prepares to hold a press conference to unveil the Apple Macintosh with his marketing executive Joanna Hoffman (Kate Winslet) as Steve deals with his ex girlfriend Chrisann Brennan (Katherine Waterston) asking for money to help their daughter Lisa (Makenzie Moss, Ripley Sabo and Perla Haney-Jardine) leading to Steve to help relocate the pair to a better school for Lisa after seeing what she can do on the Macintosh. After seeing of Chrisann Steve's Friend Steve Wazniak (Seth Rogan) asking to recognise him and the Apple II during his speech, only for Steve to reject his friends proposition as he meets with Apple's then CEO John Sculley (Jeff Daniels) before going on stage. The rest of the film has Steve Jobs reading for the press conference for the launch of the NeXT computer and the iMac in 1988 and 1998 as he meets with the same people from the first part of the film focusing on how each characters relationships with Steve Jobs have changed between the time jumps. Overall this was an amazing film as shows the people and problems that Steve Jobs faces moments before he goes on stage to unveil a new product. The character interactions are amazing especially when Fassbender is on screen with Seth Rogan's Steve Wazniak interactions with Jobs keeping a feeling their friendship at the core and the story between Jobs and his daughter Lisa fully tugs on the heartstrings in places which helps to relate to the two characters on a personal scale. While the musical score by Daniel Pemberton is great especially during scenes like when Jobs and John meet at the Next conference helps to display the tension between the two as they argue with the film cleverly flashing back to the day the Jobs was fired from Apple during the argument as it gains a faster tempo. 9.5/10.

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