Tuesday 17 November 2015

Earth 2: The Tower of Fate Review

Finished reading Earth 2: The Tower of Fate, continuing DC Comics New 52 series as writer James Robinson continues to expand upon the history of the world while also bringing new characters into the main story. The book opens up with a flash back story six years ago where Terry Sloan was one of the wonders of the world along with Batman, Superman and Wonder Woman as the team invade a Parademon stronghold. With Terry Sloan narrating what happened the day the fire pits on Earth were formed. The second story is a short story of how Micheal Holt became the hero Mr Terrific and what eventually lead to him turning up on Earth 2. The next story begins with Alan Scott having trouble dealing with the loss of his partner Sam when Hawkgirl finds him to talk about meeting with her and Jay Garrick which Alan declines. While this is going on Commander Khan of the World Army meets with Terry Sloan about his plans for the projects the organisation already have and other plans he has for the World Army. Meanwhile Khan has the Sandmen infiltrate one of Sloan's secret base's where the team are attacked by Mr Terrific. The last of the short stories features Apokoliptan general Steppenwolf along with the daughter of Wonder Woman, Fury as the two take over the small country of Dherain who's King has allowed the two to live in hiding so Dherain can gain Steppenwolf's technology for itself. The final story of the book begins with Hawkgirl talking to her friend Khalid to keep an eye on Jay Garrick who has gone home to see his mother only for Jay's house to be pulled apart by the Atom and a group of World Army soldiers causing Jay to reveal to the soldiers and his mum that he's is the Flash leading to Khalid to intervene by teleporting Jay, Jay's mum and himself away were they find themselves outside the Tower of Fate within the Realm of Nabu where the villainous Wotan is waiting for Khalid in hope that he has appeared to calm the helmet of Fate so he can finally take the power of Nabu for himself. Overall this was a great book as it brought more of the history of Earth 2 to life thanks to an origin story of Terry Sloan and how he became the man shown in the present day setting of the series. The story of how Commander Khan of the World Army feels about the addition of Terry Sloane being his equal within the organisation is brilliant as it allows the book to demonstrate the capability of the Sandmen when they are forced to fight against Mr Terrific inside one of Sloan's secret bases due to Khan being unable to trust Sloan. The story of Khalid becoming Doctor Fate is great as it plays on the characters fears well thanks to the internal dialog he has with Nabu, while the interactions between Jay and Khalid helps to make Khalid a very intriguing character. 8.5/10.

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