Saturday 7 November 2015

Star Wars: Darth Vader: Vader Review

Finished reading Star Wars: Darth Vader: Vader, this begins Marvels second Star Wars ongoing series which tells Darth Vader's story after the events of A New Hope. The book opens up with Darth Vader meeting with Jabba the Hutt on a personal matter a day before the negotiations between the Hutt and the Empire as Vader has a job for two of Jabba's best bounty hunters. Back on the Imperial Super Star Destroyer Vader and the crew confront a group of pirates that brought down an Imperial Shuttle via a robotic spaceship. This is where Vader discovers a mole within his ranks after ha ving a droid go through the pirates computer files. The final story within the book begins with Darth Vader finding a woman named Doctor Aphra as he hopes she can be of assistance by supplying him with a secret droid army that can assist Vader in non Empire matters. Overall this was a great book as it shows how Darth Vader deals with the problems he faces from the Empire while still having the Rebels in the background of his mind. The inclusion of the supporting of Doctor Aphra and her droids Triple Zero and BT-1 are great addition to Darth Vader's journey as they bring some amazing moments to the book. While the artwork by Salbador Larroca is stunning as its full nastagaic moments which reflect classic Star Wars moments that are enforced by Kieron Gillen's writing thanks to the use of dialog and the direction the book takes. 8.5/10.

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