Tuesday 3 November 2015

Star Wars: Skywalker Strikes Review

Finished reading Star Wars: Skywalker Strikes, this begins Marvel's first new Star Wars series since Disney brought Lucasfilm in 2012. The book opens up not long after the destruction of the original Death Star during the events of A New Hope, with Han, Luke and Leia are on a mission to Cymoon 1 under the disguise as negotiators of Jabba the Hutt in hoping to blow up one of the Empire's weapons factories. Things take a turn for the worst when the negotiator for the Empire arrives, who turns out to be Darth Vader. The second story within the book has Vader meeting with Jabba personally. While Luke is losing faith within himself after being unable to defeat Vader, he decides to head back to Tatooine to see if Kenobi left anything behind to help Luke in his journey in becoming a Jedi. Unknown to Luke, Vader has hired Boba Fett to find Luke after realising that is old lightsaber is now being used by Luke during their confrontation at Cymoon 1. Overall this is was an amazing book as it feels like a very organic continuation to the original Star Wars film as writer Jason Aaron captures the vibe and characteristics of each character and setting seamlessly. While the addition of John Cassaday's artwork helps to bring the story to life by showcasing the jaw dropping action set pieces which range from the skilfulness of Darth Vader's fighting style to the brutality of Boba Fett's interrogation techniques. 9.5/10.

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