Tuesday 3 July 2018

The Flash: Cold Day in Hell Review

Finished reading The Flash: Cold Day in Hell, continuing writer Joshua Williamson's run on the series as Barry is still coming to terms with his new job position in Iron Heights when he soon finds him self on a murder case inside the prison itself. The book opens with Barry still trying to process the return of his and Kid Flash's friend Meena, who hopes to help Barry with his new powers from the Negative Speed Force as Wally joins the two in a local demolition derby to get some information on Barry's new powers. However it soon turns out the Meena has been deceiving the two heroes when a group of Black Hole agents appear and help Meena to steal the Negative Speed Force powers from Barry. The next story sees Barry racing to Iron Heights after getting news of a murder as he meets with his coworker Kristen, as the two begin to investigate Turbine's death when the Trickster comes running in confessing to the murder. However believe that the is more to Turbines death Barry and Kristen continue to investigate which soon leads Barry to finding out the true motivation behind the murder when Flash discovers a shipment of guns based on Captain Cold's design as the villain has been using the prison as a base of operations to create his own criminal empire along with the other Rogues. The final story see Barry and both Wally's teaming up to stop the Top causing havoc in Central City before getting some food from a local food truck where the original Wally gets caught up on the events that have been happening recently with Thawne taking Iris into the future as bait when Iris shot him. Which angers Wally for being left out of knowing what happened and after arguing with Barry about what he's being doing with his life since he got back, Wally soon decides to find an old childhood friend who might be able to help him in opening up about what he's been dealing with. Overall this was a good book as it continues the series by putting a great amount of focus into the character development of Barry with how he's dealing with the direction his life has taken. Additionally writer Joshua Williamson gives Barry's supporting some development as well with the return of characters like Meena and August helps to show how much the characters have grown since last appearing in the series and how that development affects Barry's life abductee direction of the book itself. The story that focuses on the original Wally West is great as it helps to give some great character development by showing how he’s dealing with life since he was pulled out of the Speed Force while also setting up future of the character and continuing to build his relationship with Barry and Kid Flash. The art throughout the book is good as the action sequences are drawn extremely well with how each characters powers a put on show while also bringing to life some great character moments thanks to the way the book focuses on the way character emote and interact with one another. 7.5/10.

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