Tuesday 17 July 2018

Justice League: The People Vs The Justice League Review

Finished reading Justice League: The People Vs The Justice League, writer Christopher Priest takes the reins of DC's main superhero team as the team finds themselves at odds with the government after a mission goes wrong which brings a new threat out in the open that has the possibility to break the League from the inside. The book opens with Simon Baz noticing a fleet of spaceships making their way to Earth where the Justice League is being spread thin as a sleep deprived Batman is try to coordinate the team with helping a relief team after a earthquake while also trying to stop a hostage situation which quickly goes south when the authorities come in as Wonder Woman as no back up when the team is redistributed to deal with a tsunami and the alien fleet leads to one of the hostages being killed. This leads to the the public image of the Justice League beginning to be tarnished as after Wonder Woman makes her police statement about the hostage situation, footage of the death gets posted online after the team deal with an infestation of an intergalactic cockroach in San Francisco. With the footage now in the opening the Justice League's troubles escalate when a member of congress leading a hearing to the team's most recent activities is killed by a copycat Batman who turns our to be a super fan of the League and may be one of the most dangerous foes the Justice League has ever face as this fan knows all of their secrets and is able to hack into their equipment. Overall this was an amazing as it puts the Justice League into a very intriguing situation with how their own actions come into question after a mission involving hostages goes wrong while also having the team deal with smaller missions allowing for some great character moments to be showcased. The structure of the book works extremely well with the book taking an episodic feel as the League find themselves in multiple battles and rescue attempts for each part of the book while having the threat of the fan and the impact of the hostage situation staying prominent within the entirety of the book. The art throughout the book is amazing as each art team does a great job in the amount of focus that's put into each of the characters interactions with one another thanks to the amount of detail that goes into the way that the characters emote. While the book also has some amazing visual moments from the use of the Justice League's teleporter with how the background changes by fading between the different locations to the way that some of the heroes powers are put on display especially with the later part of the book where the Flash has to save an astronaut in space who crashed into the Watchtower which not only is an amazing visual big has a great level of suspense that comes from Barry's thoughts that is translated by the art amazingly well. 9/10.

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