Tuesday 24 July 2018

Justice League of America: Surgical Strike Review

Finished reading Justice League of America: Surgical Strike, continuing the series as writer Steve Orlando brings the villain Prometheus into the book as he try's to defeat the team form within their own home. The book opens with Lobo asking Black Canary to join him on a trip to a planet inhabited by intergalactic dolphins that he has a fondness for. Once the pair arrive on the plant that Batman was able to locate the Lobo and Black Canary soon discover that another Czarnian named Gusano Tribb, who has been killing off the dolphins in retaliation to Lobo wiping out his own race when he was younger. The next story sees the team being interviewed by documentarian John Porter, who's questions being to make the team sceptical of one another which leads to distrust within the team and even the Ray leaving. This leads to Porter revealing himself to be Prometheus as his plan gets underway to attack the team individual with the help of the villain Afterthought. The final story centres around the Ray as he fights crime back in Vanity when he mets with the city's newest hero Aztek who had been fighting criminals in the city while the Ray has been with the Justice League. Overall this was a decent book as the team find themselves facing Prometheus within their own home along with the villain Afterthought allows for some interesting was to how the two villains try to defeat the team along with some moments of dialogue that that affect each member on a personal level. The opening story does a nice job in giving some insight into Lobo's origin and his fondness of dolphins and how that motivates Tribb, who is on a planet populated by intergalactic dolphins casing them to become an endangered species as revenge for Lobo's actions when he was younger. The art throughout the book is good as each art team accompanies their respective story extremely well thanks to the different locations and tones of each story. 6.5/10. 

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