Tuesday 17 April 2018

Titans: The Lazarus Contract Review

Finished reading Titans: The Lazarus Contract, crossing over with the Titans, Teen Titans and Deathstroke series as Slade Wilson becomes emotionally driven to the Speed Force with the hope to prevent the death of his son Grant. The book opens with Slade waking up in a hospital bed after having nightmares of the day his son Grant died in his arms which gives him the idea of kidnapping both Wally West’s with the hope he can siphon enough of their speed with the hope to go back in time to prevent the death of Grant. Meanwhile the Titans and Teen Titans find themselves having to work together when the two teams discover their teams respective Wally West have gone missing with the rescue mission soon become a mission to stop Deathstroke from breaking the timeline. The second story of the book is an epilogue to the main story which sets up the future of Deathstroke’s new direction in life as he try’s to be a better person by building a team that is primarily make up of member of his family. Overall this was an amazing book as it brings a lot of focus on the character development of Deathstroke thanks to the way that the story is emotionally driven by Slade’s determination to rescue his son which eventually leads to him taking a new direction in life. While the main conflict of the book comes more from the two hero teams having clashing over how to deal with Deathstroke and rescue the two Wally’s which leads to some shocking twists and resolution to the book. The art throughout the book is great as it puts a great amount of focus in the way each character’s emote and react to the events of the boom while also giving the way that characters going at super speed a nice look to how fast they’re moving. 9/10.

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