Tuesday 24 April 2018

Green Arrow: The Rise of Star City Review

Finished reading Green Arrow: The Rise of Star City, continuing writer Benjamin Percy's run with the character as Oliver Queen finds himself meeting up again with his former sidekick while also dealing with Ninth Circle. The book opens with Roy Harper returning hone to meet back up with is family who have been protesting against a pipeline going through an Indian Reservation as Roy soon finds himself crossing paths with Oliver once again when Green Arrow and Black Canary show up when the protesters are attacked by a Wild Dog militia. The next story opens with Oliver going to his grave of his parents when he discovers a secret entrance to a secret underground facility where he finds a Ninth Circle mask and cloak that makes Oliver question how his family is involved. Meanwhile in Seattle a group of villains have been hired by the leader of the Ninth Circle, Cyrus Broderick to cause havoc in the city which leads to the city going a blaze with the mayor of Seattle who is also working with Broderick using this as an opportunity to rebuild the city in there own image. The final sort of the book deals with the aftermath of recent events as Oliver finds himself in need of a lawyer after being arrested when he revealed to the city that he is still alive. Overall this was a great book as it continues with Green Arrow and his team's fight with the Ninth Circle as the stakes increase thanks to the Ninth Circle's plans coming into fruition. There's a great amount of focus on Arsenal within the book as Roy and Oliver's relationship takes centre stage in the first story of the book by showing the relationship they had years prior when they worked together and how that lead to where their life are now. While the escalation of the Ninth Circle's plans for Seattle brings a great amount of suspense within the book as the different ways the city is attacked makes the villains feel unstoppable with how destructive their actions are and how Green Arrow and his team are being unsuccessful in stoping the villains. The art through the book is amazing as the art team for the Arsenal centric story does a great job in differentiating the present and past of both Roy and Oliver's life's. While the art of the book's main story is able to capture some amazing action set pieces thanks to the way the layout of the book while also doing an amazing job in bring the characters emotions with continue through the rest of the book as the character are able to emote extremely well thanks to the amount of detail that's been put into the art. 8/10

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