Saturday 31 December 2016

Titans Hunt Review

Finished reading Titans Hunt, writer Dan Abnett brings the original original Teen Titans back together for the first time since the beginning of DC Comics' New 52 reboot. The book opens up with Roy Harper the former Green Arrow sidekick and current Arsenal in Cline, Oklahoma buying a bottle of whiskey from a nearby shop. Meanwhile in a warehouse district super spy Dick Grayson is on a mission to stop the selling of an Atlantean lungs. Before Dick can get the Lungs an Atlantean shows up an kills the seller and buyer of the lungs and even gets into a fight with Dick before escaping. After his fight with the Atlantean Dick is recovering in a local hotel room watching a film with a score by award winner Malcom Duncan while on the phone reporting to his boss only to be contacted by a telepath named Lilith telling him to find the Atlantean an then her. While back in Cline Roy wakes up after falling of the back of his truck and begins to drive to his counsellor who happens to be Lilith only to be stopped by the police on his way and eventually is helped out by the shop attendant earlier who turns out to be the former teen hero Caveboy. While Dick try's to gain the attention of Garth the Atlantean he fought earlier by using the lungs as bait with leads to a fight between the two that gains the attention of Amazon Donna Troy how joins the fight which only ends when the three see the inside of a building the crash into that makes them remember a memory that had which involves each other. The second story is set a few months after the formation of the Justice League as Batman brings Robin to meet the League as they have to deal with multiple threats appearing in Metropolis. The final story sets up the DC Rebirth Titans series as the team meet the one member that was missing from their fight with Mr Twister, Wally West the original Kid Flash. Overall this was a great book as it brings back the original Teen Titans back together in a way that does recon but it a way that makes enough sense and doesn't feel forced which allows for some character to have some great emotional moments especially in the case of Hawk remembering the original Dove. While the inclusion Malcolm and his wife Karen is great as this is the first time the two have shown since the beginning of DC reboot that came with their New 52 publishing line and their character acts is one of the most intriguing parts of the book as they are the only two who have been unaware of their powers with Malcolm rediscovering his. The villain of Mr Twister is great as he feels like a monster from a horror movie thanks to his horrifying design and the speech bubbles design helps to further strengthen the frightening presence that Mr Twister had in the book. Additionally the final story that helps to set up the next Titans series is a great addition to the book as it not only makes the team stronger with the addition of Wally allowing the reader to see some of the most cherished memories that the team have forgotten but wraps up the one loose end of the main story without needing to continue to the next series even though the story is a great set up for things to come. The art in the book is good as the whole art team does a good job in capturing the horrifying look of Mr Twister, the greatly paced action scenes and the emotions that comes form each character as they rediscover memories that was wiped from their mind. However the constant changing of the art does take a second to adjust to the different art style in some places. 8/10.

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