Saturday 24 December 2016

Justice League: The Darkseid War Part Two Review

Finished reading Justice League: The Darkseid War Part Two, concluding the final story arc of the New 52 series as writer Geoff John closes the Darseid War story in explosive fashion. The book opens up with everyone dealing with the revaluation of Darkseid's death at the hands of the Flash who is being possessed by the an embodiment of Death. Meanwhile on Apokolips a power corrupted Superman abandons Lex Luthor on the planet as he travels back to earth when a group of people mistake Lex as Superman which help happy plays along with which ends up with him being bestowed with the powers of Darksied. Elsewhere Batman has become so attached to the Mobius chair that he is trying ti find the truth about what it said to him about the Joker as Green Lantern continues to help Batman to get off it. After a fight with the remains of Darksied's forces Wonder Woman sends Cyborg and Power Ring along with Mister Miracle and is wife Big Barda break into Belle Reve Prison in hope that the remaining members of the Crime Syndicate might be able to help against the over shadowing threat of the Anti-Monitor who destroyed their Earth. Overall this was an amazing book as writer Geoff Johns brings an end to the Justice League series by warping up all of the plot lines of the series while laying out the ground work for some interesting and new developments for each team member to deal with in the future. The addition of the remaining members of the Crime Syndicate is great as not only does it raise the stakes of the story as Power Ring and Cyborg get possessed by Volthoom and Grid but also ties up the loose plot threads form the Forever Evil event as well. The use of Wonder Woman as the point of view character and the narrator of the story continues as a perfect fit to the story as each member of the Justice League gets corrupted by God levels of power and Diana is the only not effect by corruptible powers as she is already a demigod making her view on the situation more impactful. The art throughout is amazing as artist Francis Manapul does an amazing job in the first part of the book which has a lot more character moment and smaller action scenes which have a great amount of detail and character emotions show through very well. While the rest of the main story drawn by Jason Fabok brings the action to live incredibly well thanks to some breathtaking visuals with help from the rest of the art team. 9/10.

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