Tuesday 13 December 2016

Grayson: A Ghost in the Tomb Review

Finished reading Grayson: A Ghost in the Tomb, continues Dick Grayson story as an agent of Spyral as his time with the organisation seems to be heading to an end as he discovers one of the organisation's darkest secrets, but only after Dick is called back to Gotham to deal with the events of Robin War. The book opens up in Gotham at the beginning of the Robin War crossover as a member of the We Are Robin crew is trying to stop a robbery with goes horrifically bad for the kid as he accidentally causes the death of the thief and a cop. The news of the quickly report on this which leads to a local councilwoman to bring in a law that allows the police to arrest any person the believe to be a Robin which quickly gains the attention of Batman's very own Robins who return to Gotham to help the kids of the We Are Robin crew. The rest of the book continues with the series main story that has Dick and his partner Tiger continue to work for Spyral while in the background Dick is working with Red Robin and Midnighter to find out the organisation secrets which leads to Dick to come to the realisation that he and Tiger have to go rouge and brong down Spyral. Overall this was a decent book as it continues the main story of Dick as a Spyral agent while also having a story set in Gotham as Dick comes together with the other former sidekicks of Batman and the We Are Robin cast which makes this book feel like two completely different books. The Robin War story is just okay as it has a great premise that is base on the news headlines at the time but the final execution is very much a lacklustre while some characters including Dick act slightly out of character and just leaves you scratching your head. The second half of the book continues the great story of Dick Grayson agent of Spyral as the series starts the beginning of the end of Dick's spy story as he and his partner start to bring down the organisation. The artwork is pretty decent as the series' main art continues to be great while the Robin War art is good but it's inconsistent and doesn't help with the storytelling even though the art is good. 6/10.

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