Tuesday, 21 July 2015

Young Avengers: Alternative Culture Review

Finished reading Young Avengers: Alternative Culture this continues the Young Avengers story as they are avoiding New York so Kid Loki can further train Wiccan in order to defeat the the extra diminutional parasite called the Mother. The book opens up with David Alleyne working as tech support for superheroes as he gets calls from many different heroes asking for help. David comes across former Young Avenger Tommy Shepherd who works for the same company making circuit boards. Once the two become good friends they find out that someone is going about in the costume of Tommy's former team member Patriot, which they discover has seemingly come to life when it teleports Tommy to an unknown place. This causes David to find the Young Avengers who have been travelling in an attempt to avoid any contact with their parents or New York as it could cause the remerging of the extra dimensional parasite known as the Mother for the past three months. Once they meet with David the team head back to the last sighting of Patriot who leads them on a chase across the multiverse. Overall this was a great book as it betters itself from the previous book as it dives straight in to the story without the need for any set up. The comedy is stellar with Loki continuing to be the the source of the comic relief as well as Tommy at the beginning of the book. Also the last half of the book takes a more serious tone as the spotlight land on Hulkling who takes time away from the Young Avengers. 8/10.

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