Saturday, 4 July 2015

Avengers: The Enemy Within Review

Finished reading Avengers: The Enemy Within, this concludes writer Kelly Sue DeConnick's first Captain Marvel series as it wraps up Carol Danvers story of her taking the mantle of Captain Marvel. The book opens up with Captain Marvel and Spider Woman looking for Carol's friend Rose who has gone missing during a bad time of Carol's life as she is off her game because of a brain lesion that will cause memory loss if she flys. Once finding the location of Rose and saving her from two Tyrannosaurus with the help of Thor, Carol rushes back home discovering that the last pice of the Magnitron, the machine that helped give Carol her powers has been stolen. After using a Brood attack as a distraction to keep the Avengers and S.W.O.R.D busy, Kree Warrior Yon-Rogg contacts his home world Hala asking to come back home by giving them Captain Marvel and Earth as payment for safe passage. With his request being declined Yon-Rogg decides to remake the earth to resemble that of his home world Hala by activating the remaining Kree Sentries on the planet and using Captain Marvel to power the Magnitron in order to accomplish his plan. The final story has Captain Marvel dealing with the aftermath of her fight with Yon-Rogg as she lost a significant amount of her memories during the fight, her neighbour's daughter Kit try's to help Carol remember with a book she had created about Captain Marvel as Kit is her biggest fan. Overall this was a good book the story with Yon-Rogg has the stakes constantly rising throughout the story as the Avengers are split up around different parts of Northern America to deal with the Kree Sentries while Captain Marvel and Captain America are in New York dealing with Yon-Rogg. While the relationship between Carol and Kit is very heartwarming as its very relatable which strengthens the story and helps Carol deal with her memory loss on a more personal scale. 7.5/10.

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