Tuesday, 28 July 2015

Guardians of the Galaxy: Guardians Disassembled Review

Finished reading Guardians of the Galaxy: Guardians Disassembled, this continues the Guardians of the Galaxy series from writer Brian Michael Bendis with the Guardians being separated to different parts of the galaxy by members of the Galactic Council. The book opens up on Earth as corporal Flash Thompson is being briefed about the Guardians of the Galaxy by Tony Stark. Once the Guardians enter the room Flash joins the team as Agent Venom. Once in space on board the Guardians ship Star Lord, Rocket and Groot come under fire by Spartax warships. Meanwhile Gamora is captured by a bounty hunter who was apparently killed by Rocket earlier in the series. Elsewhere Drax and Venom are in Knowhere shopping for weapons when Drax is captured by the Shi'ar while Venom is captured by a group of Skrulls posing as the Avengers. With Guardians separated Star Lord's farther J'son finally has Peter where he whats him so he and his teammates can pay for their crimes against the Spartax empire. Overall this was a good book as it wrapped up the plot line with J'son that has been a part of this series since the beginning. The spotlight changing between each character flows well. The back story's that are featured at the end of the book gives the origins to Agent Venom, Groot and how Captain Marvel took up her current mantel as well as a story featuring the original Guardians in 3014 which is a set up for the Guardians 3000 series. What lets the book down is that the art work of the main story is mostly in a state of flux with it sometimes changing in the middle of a scene with some art being very different to the previous page. 7.5/10.

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