Saturday 10 November 2018

Suicide Squad: The Secret History of Task Force X Review

Finished reading Suicide Squad: The Secret History of Task Force X, writer Rob Williams continues the series at the current version of the Suicide Squad come face to face with their predecessors as an alien threat reappears. The book opens with the Squad readying for the night in their cells when a small robot is stopped by Deadshot when it looks to attack Amanda Waller. While looking over the robot that it came from the Earths orbit along with it having a map to an abandoned airfield in Nevada, leading to Waller to split the team up into two groups with one going up into space to see where the robot came from which lead to the team to come face to face with the leader of the original Suicide Squad, Rick Flag Sr who has been living on a space station with his team member Karin Grace who convince the team to join them on a mission the the moon to stop the return of a extraterrestrial threat. Meanwhile the team in Nevada come under fire by a group of robots when they find a file on the original Task Force X by the head of Argent, King Faraday. Overall this was a good book as it sees the return of the classic Suicide Squad which leads to some great intrigue to how the team lead by Rick Flag Sr, the grandfather of the current teams former leader was formed and how one of their missions to keep the Earth safe from extraterrestrial threats has influenced the modern day Suicide Squad's with the Red Wave becoming a dangerous threat once again. The art throughout the book is great as the action set pieces by keeps the feel of tension fell moments as the team is fighting against hordes of robots along with putting a great amount of focus in the alien designs that makes each element look to be from a horror film that's to the was the different types of aliens are able to reanimate corpse as well as the Red Wave being able to possess and influence different characters. While the flashback story that is told concurrently with the main story does a great job in capturing the aesthetic of the time period thanks to the designs used to show case the classics science fiction along with the more espionage moments. 7.5/10.

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