Saturday 3 November 2018

Star Wars: Mutiny at Mon Cala Review

Finished reading Star Wars: Mutiny at Mon Cala, writer Kieron Gillen continues Marvel's main Star Wars series as the Rebel Alliance try to gain new recruits to the Rebellion with the heroes next stop being he aquatic world of Mon Cala. The book opens with Leia, Han, Luke, Chewie, C3PO and R2D2 being joined by Ackbar to meet with the current leader of the Mon Cala, Admiral Urtya in the hopes to get the Mon Calamari to join the Rebellion. However the group find themselves under attack by a group of Stormtroopers on patrol which leads to Urtya to decline the proposition to join the Rebellion when the lives of the Mon Cala are at stake. This then gives Leia the idea to break into a high security prison to free the King of Mon Cala, Lee-Char with the hope to encourage the planet to join the Rebellion and once Leia is given the go ahead by her peers the group plan on kidnapping Tan Hubi, the imperial Moff of the Mon Calamari with the first stop being to beak out a shapeshifter named Tunga in order to impersonate the Moff with the help of C3PO as the group take to Moff to the prison on Strokill Prime. Overall this was a great book as writer Kieron Gillen continues to expand the upon the new Star Wars cannon by showing how the Mon Calamari became a big asset to the Rebel Alliance and their continuing fight against the Empire thanks to Rebels planning a heist that leads to some great moments within the book while the team execute their plan. The book does a great job in the different character interactions with the main cast while retaining their characteristics from the films also build upon them leading to some great comedic moments with how the characters react to the different situations they find themselves in especially during the heist where the team kidnap a high ranking member of the Empire. While C3PO has a gets a great character arc as he helps the shapeshifter Tunga to stay in character as Tan Hubi in order keep their cover which leads to great moments of levity within when the book takes a more serious turn. The art by Salvador Larroca is great as as the designs for each of the characters, locations and spaceships are brought to life extremely well especially in some parts like the end space battle which has some breathtaking moments which is elevated by the colours used by Guru-eFX. 8/10.

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