Saturday 11 November 2017

Uncanny Inhumans: Civil War II Review

Finished reading Uncanny Inhumans: Civil War II, tying into Marvel's Civil War II event as writer Charles Soule tells a story that takes place between the pages of the main event. The book opens with the Inhumans outside of Stark Tower after Iron Man kidnapping the Inhuman Ulysses from New Attilan within the pages of the main Civil War II book. As the Inhumans leave without a fight Medusa plans a series of personal attacks on Tony Stark and his property. Displeased with the actions of his Queen, Triton goes to Maximus who escalates the attacks by destroying Stark Tower and attack other Stark Industries facilities in the name of Medusa which leads to her begin an investigation to prove she didn't authorise the attacks orchestrated by Maximus. The second story in the book sees NuHuman Grid going back home to Mumbai where he finds himself against former actor turned gang leader Ajay Roy who wants to use Grid's own powers to take control of Mumbai's power grid. Overall this was a good book as it brings an interesting element to the Civil War II event by showing the the ramifications of some of Iron Man's actions within the main book. Writer Charles Soule does a good job in continuing the character development of the the books cast while also focusing on the events of Civil War II, while the story set in Mumbai not only give some great development and insight into Grid's but also develops Ajay Roy as a very intriguing character. The art throughout the book is great as the more dialogue driven moments bring some good emotive from the characters while the action scenes along with the power and designs of each Inhuman continue to be a great staple within the series. 7.5/10.

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