Friday 13 October 2017

Blade Runner 2049 Film Review

Finished watching Blade Runner 2049, directed by Denis Villeneuve and starring Ryan Gosling, Dave Bautista, Robin Wright, Ana de Armas and Harrison Ford. The film opens with Blade Runner K (Ryan Gosling) travels to a protein farm where a replicant named Sapper (Dave Bautista) is working and K has been tasked by his superior Lieutenant Joshi (Robin Wright) to bring Sapper in only for a fight to break out. After dealing with Sapper and going over the area K finds the remains of a female replicant that leads K on a mysterious case that starts with K going to the Wallace Corporation, the current manufacturer of replicants. Overall this was an amazing film as it feels like a very organic sequel by having a similar aesthetic and continues to build from its predecessor with a great amount of connective tissue. The film does an amazing job in creating a sense of suspense for each scene and a great amount of emotion helps to make the films almost three hour length unnoticeable. There’s a great amount of character development and intrigue as K’s home life with his hologram girlfriend Joi (Ana de Armas) and personal history comes into question when he begins to investigate a strange case. While the return of Deckard (Harrison Ford) is a great addition to film as it keeps the connectivity of the original film and feels very organic to the direction the film itself takes with K’s own story. 9/10.

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