Saturday 28 October 2017

Batman/The Flash: The Button Deluxe Edition Review

Finished reading Batman/The Flash: The Button Deluxe Edition, writers Tom King and Joshua Williamson team up to continue one of the main mysteries surrounding the DC Universe as Batman and the Flash continue their investigation into the Comedian's button from Watchmen. The book opens with a female Arkham patient going crazy over a hockey game on the television. Meanwhile in the Batcave Batman is taking another look at the Comedian's button before putting it back on the table in fount where it reacts to Psycho Pirate's mask causing Batman to see the Flashpoint version of his father. This leads to Bruce to call the Flash to cone to the cave, however before Barry can get to the cave Reverse Flash shows up and beats Batman in a fight as takes the button for himself only to disappear and reappear within a few moments half disintegrated claiming to have see God which cause Bruce and Barry to try and find out what Thawne saw. Overall this was a brilliant book as it gives some answers to few of the mysteries centring around the DC universe since Rebirth while also creating more intriguing question for what's to come in the future. There's is an amazing amount emotion throughout the book that's to the interactions character have with one another especially the interaction Bruce Wayne and Thomas Wayne from Flashpoint have as it helps to give both characters an amazing amount of development. While the internal monologues from Barry Allen and the surprising appearance of the original Flash, Jay Garrick helps to also give a more personal feel to story and how it deals with each character’s own legacy and mentors. The art throughout the book is amazing as Jason Fabok’s art puts a lot of detail into the fights between the characters as each hits impact is felt. While Howard Porter’s art works extremely well in showcasing the Flash powers while on the Cosmic Treadmill and the more detailed scenes that incorporate multiple references to the largeer DC universe. 10/10.

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