Tuesday 23 May 2017

Spider-Woman: Shifting Gears: Baby Talk Review

Finished reading Spider-Woman: Shifting Gears: Baby Talk, beginning the series again after Marvel's Secret Wars event writer Dennis Hopeless returns with Jessica Drew who has become pregnant since her last appearance which has not stopped her form getting into some crazy superhero situations. The book opens up wilt a heavily pregnant Spider-Woman taking down three villains inside a motel against while on the phone to Captain Marvel. The book then continues to Spider-Woman's last day at work before going on maternity leave to have her baby as Porcupine has become a better hero thanks to training that Jessica has giving him in hope that Roger along with Ben Urich can continue their private investigating company without her. Later that night Jessica hosts a party at her apartment with her friends form the superhero community where Captain Marvel recommends an intergalactic hospital to have her baby. After nearly two weeks on maternity leave Jessica decides to take a look at the intergalactic hospital that Carol recommend her. However when Jessica gets to the waiting room of the maternity ward of the hospital she finds herself along with other alien mums to be as hostages of a group of Skrulls who have stormed into the hospital in hope to find a prince of the Skrull Empire who is currently in the hospital receiving cancer treatment. Overall this was a great book as it continues to but Spider-Woman into more everyday situations while still bringing in the mix of the traditional superhero situations as well that is blended together greatly. The character interactions within the book are great as the friendship between Jessica and Carol taking centre stage with how Jessica has to deal with the threats of the Skrulls on her own. While the introduction of the Skrull prince Klundirk is great with how he ends up helping Jessica even though she was the one trying to rescue him. The art by Javier Rodriguez is great as the alien designs of the hospital and the people inside look great and fit into the story extremely well, along with the page layouts which helps to give the feel of a camera following the characters movements. 8/10.

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