Tuesday 16 May 2017

Guardians of the Galaxy: Guardians of Infinity Review

Finished reading Guardians of the Galaxy: Guardians of Infinity, bringing together three separate teams of Guardians throughout time as writer Dan Abnett tells a story that spans over three millenniums. The book opens up with the present day Guardians consisting of Rocket, Drax and Groot, come across a strange ship that has appeared at the edge of the galaxy which gives Rocket the idea to snoop around in hope to find treasure. Once on the ship the three Guardians find themselves face to face with the Guardians of the 31st century who were investigating the strange ship when they were attacked by a large group of alien henchmen. However before the two teams become completely overwhelmed by the sheer numbers of enemies a Guardians team from the 11th century appear and rescue the team by getting them to safety before figuring out how to get everyone back to their own time period. Overall this was a good book as it brings together the two previously established Guardians teams together with a new incarnation of the team from the 11th century leads to some great character interactions and an interesting story that unfolds. While the main antagonist of the story is vary interesting with how his motives come from being close to the leader of the past Guardians, Stella Nega and the way he even executes his plans lead to some great moments with Rocket who becomes an integral part while the rest of the Guardians attempt to escape capture allows for some great storytelling with Nikki Gold being their only hope to escape. The art by Carlo Barberi is great as the character designs come to life extremely well while the way the art looks and feels like it was created by multiple layers between the background and the foreground makes everything feel nicely detailed. 7.5/10.

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