Saturday 14 January 2017

Star Wars: Darth Vader: End of Games Review

Finished reading Star Wars: Darth Vader: End of Games, concluding the series as writer Kieron Gillen wraps up the series as Vader deals with all of the people that he has meet over the course of the series. The book opens up with Darth Vader meeting with the Emperor on a new Super Star Destroyer where he is giving the mission to find and deal with Cylo and his cyborgs. Before Vader find Cylo he travels to Anthan 13 to meet with Inspector Thanoth who has information on the whereabouts of Doctor Alpha and then uses the information to order the droids BeeTee and Triple-Zero to bring her to him while he's off dealing with Cylo for the Emperor. Overall this was an amazing book as it brings an end to the series in spectacular fashion as not only does the book wrap up the series but also delivers on some amazing character interactions and even takes a trip into Vader's psyche which is a very intriguing sight. The side story featured within the book are great as the first one spends some time with the droids BeeTee and Triple-Zero as they get some upgrades. Which the second is a silent story that shows how Vader's presence on Tatooine has effect the Tusken Raiders. The artwork throughout is great as artists Salvador Larroca designs some breathtaking locations and fight scenes thanks to the amount of detail that goes into these scenes. 9/10.

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