Tuesday 31 January 2017

Guardians of the Galaxy: New Guard: Emperor Quill Review

Finished reading Guardians of the Galaxy: New Guard: Emperor Quill, returning to the Marvel cosmic team after the events of Secret Wars as a lot has changed in the mouths since as the Guardians' leader Peter Quill is now the successor of his father's role of the leader of Spartax, which has given Rocket Racoon the perfect chance to become the team's new leader with a couple of new members joining the team as well. The book opens up with former Fantastic Four member, the Thing stealing an item from the Chitauri with the assist of a jetpack of Rocket's. After defeating the Chitauri, the team try to figure out what's inside the item. Not wanting to blow themselves and finding out that the item is boobytrapped, the team head to Spartax to meet with Peter for help, only for a beaten Gamora to fall out of the sky by a Kree Accuser named Hala who has come seeking revenge on Peter and the Guardians for the destruction of her home world during the Black Vortex event. Overall this was a good book as writer Brian Michael Bendis begins a new Guardians series from the wake of Secret Wars on a strong start as the team's former members are brought back into the fray along with a couple of new recruits. The villain Hala gets a great amount of character development straight away which helps to make her extremely sympathetic and her motives extremely understandable. While the character of Yotat returns after appearing in the Guardians Secret Wars tie in is use to better affect her and his vendetta against Drax make a lot more sense that previously. The art by Valerio Schiti is great as the different locations of Spartax and Knowhere are brought to life extremely well as a great amount of detail in the locations, while the explosive action and character's emotions and expressions, even though are a little cartoonish fits the book perfectly. 7/10.

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