Saturday 11 June 2016

Silver Surfer: Worlds Apart Review

Finished reading Silver Surfer: Worlds Apart, this continues the creative team of Dan Slott and Mike Allred's Marvel series as Silver Surfer's history comes back to haunt him and Dawn. The book opens up with Silver Surfer trying to get use to Dawn's human habits. When Norrin takes out Dawn's tonsils they travel to Planet Prime for the best ice cream in the universe as the planet is populated by a race that each member of society trains in one occupation and be the best in that one job. The second story see Dawn getting separated from Norrin when they travel through one of the darkest parts of the cosmos. The story continues with Norrin and his board reminiscing of their adventures with Dawn since she join them on their travels as the two try to find her. The final story begins with Norrin allowing Dawn to have a go on his board only for the pair to crash onto a planet which is populated the last members of alien races as each is a refugee of a planet that has been devoured by Galactus when the Surfer was his herald. However without knowing Norrin accidentally leads Galactus to the planet thanks to the trail of cosmic energy he left behind. Overall this was a great book as it continues the series with the same lighthearted tone and colour palette while also giving some great character development in the process. There is a large amount of great character development and interactions that helps to grow the relationship between Norrin and Dawn. Mike Allred's artwork is brilliant as the alien locations and species designs are stunning and work perfectly with the tone of the book which is strengthen by the colours that colourist Laura Allred uses within the book. 8.5/10.

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