Saturday 18 June 2016

Avengers: Time Runs Out Volume One Review

Finished reading Avengers: Time Runs Out Volume One, this brings together writer Jonathan Hickman Avengers and New Avengers series' as the book jumps forward eight mouths from the pervious stories of the two Avengers titles. The book opens up with the former cosmic Avengers discovering that the universe is dying and decide to join Sunspot who has recently brought out A.I.M to finding out why the whole multiverse is dying. Meanwhile in New York the remaining members of the Avengers who are now a part of S.H.I.E.L.D arrest Amadeus Cho after he gave data to the other members of the Illuminati who are currently on the Avengers most wanted list. While on the other side of the world in Latveria Namor meets with Dr Doom in hope that he can help him with his mistake of creating the Cabal who are attacking Wakanda while also going to multiple Earths and slaughtering their populous and destroying them before they can destroy the main Marvel Universe. Overall this was a good book as straight away the it catches the reader up with the events that have transpired within the eight month time jump while also being able to further the plot and to lay out the ground work for the rest of the story. The character interactions are good as it helps to show how different the heroes roles and relationships with each other have change within the time jump from Sunspot building his own team of Avengers to find a way to save the multiverse while the interaction and reactions of Mr Fantastic and the Invisible Woman are great as there's a silent panel in the book drawn by artist Kev Walker that literally speaks a thousand words with how Mr Fantastic and other members of the Illuminati react to seeing Sue interrogate Amadeus Cho. Additionally there is great a moment in the book were the two actually meet which creates more questions to what Sue's role is in the story but it also has one of the best character moments within the book which leaves you asking for more. The changing artwork throughout the book works well within as a different artist is used for different parts of the story highlighting a curtain group of characters. However the changing artist also creates a little bit of inconsistency with some characters like Hulk who goes form having a Mohawk to a full head of hair and a change of clothes in the space of a handful of pages. 7/10.

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