Saturday 16 January 2016

Justice League United: The Infinitus Saga Review

Finished reading Justice League United: The Infinitus Saga, this concludes writer Jeff Lemire's run on the series as the team join forces with the Legion of Super-heroes who have come back in time from the 31st century to prevent a universal catastrophe. 
The book opens up with a story set five years into the future as Equinox is saving a truck driver from Polargeist and a pack of cybernetic Polarbears when she gets a physic message from Martian Manhunter who is currently the warden of a large super prison on Mars. After meeting with the Justice League in New Mexico, the teams leader, Cyborg gathers the team together and head to Mars where they encounter a prison breakout being orchestrated by the now villainous Captain Atom. The second story of the book begins with the Legion of Super-heroes member Mon-El in the Justice League United's base fighting Martian Manhunter over the young Ultra who has become the god like being named Infinitus in the 31st century that the Legion has been unable to defeat as Infinitus makes his way to Earth in the future. While on the other side of the galaxy, the league's away team consisting of Green Arrow, Animal Man, StarGirl and Supergirl are tracking Hawkman's transmitter that has been activated, which leads them to confronting the Byth again who has manipulated Hawkman after the Nth metal in his body brought him back to life, in order to help Byth get Ultra back so he can become InfinitusOverall this was a great book as it continues the overarching storyline of the series as the Legion of Superheroes team up with the Justice League United. The book itself has a lot of exposition within the Infinitus story as Brainiac 5 catches everyone up with what has happened to the Legion in the 31st century which helps to show the teams motive for coming back in time for Ultra. The art of the main story is great as it makes the scenes with both the Legion and the League on the same page feel less crowded as no character becomes lost in the background of the large fight scenes in space against Infinitus' forces. 8/10.

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