Tuesday 5 January 2016

Earth 2: The Kryptonian Review

Finished reading Earth 2: The Kryptonian, continuing writer Tom Taylor's run on the series as the heroes of the world along with the World Army join forces in hoping to defeat Superman and the army of Parademons he brought from Apokolips. The book opens up with the remaining forces of the World Army retreating to Amazonia, the former home of the Amazons while an underground Space Ark containing high ranking officials and world leaders fails to escape from Superman when he destroys the ark above the planet. While back in Gotham the Heroes make contact with the World Army and Atlantis as Lois and Hawkgirl help Val learn to use his powers only to be noticed by a large group of Parademons lead by Superman who has come to kill Val only to be stopped by Lois' intervention, leading to Superman taking Lois to his parents in Smallville as the rest of the Parademons are being fought off by the return of the resurrected Green Lantern allowing the heroes time to flee to Amazonia. This helps to buy everyone time to come up with a plan to defeat Superman while he's with Lois at his parents house. The other story to feature in the book is set five years in the future as former Mr Terrific, Michael Holt ends up on the run after two versions of Terry Sloan changing the goggles one of them invented to make him appear to be from Earth 2 rather than from his native Earth. 
Overall this was a great book as it continues the series on very strongly by constantly developing characters like Val Zod and even Superman who's the villain of the story with the interactions between Martha and Jonathan Kent really showing the depth of how different Superman is. While the character development of Val is driven by great interactions between Lois and Jimmy as they help him develop as a character throughout the book. The artwork is stellar as artist Nicola Scott draws out some amazing fight scenes, while the scene with Val learning to fly with the help of Lois looks breathtaking which is enforced thanks to the rest of the art team. 8/10.

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