Tuesday 11 August 2015

Young Avengers: Mic-Drop at the Edge of Time and Space Review

Finished reading Young Avengers: Mic-Drop at the Edge of Time and Space, this concludes writer Kieron Gillen and lead artist Jamie McKelvie series as the Young Avengers finally head back to New York to confront the extra dimensional parasite know as the mother. The book opens up with Loki getting a phone call from Leah telling him that the Mother has fellow Young Avenger Hulkling as her prisoner, giving the Mother unlimited access to earth. This causes Wiccan and Loki to preform a ritual in order to age Loki in hopes to increase his powers. Once the team land in Central Park they call up all of the young heroes around the New York area for back up against the Mother's invading forces as the Young Avengers take the fight to Mother in her home dimension in order to rescue Hulkling. The second story features the Young Avengers and their friends who helped them against the Mother as they are having a New Years Party celebrating their victory over Mother. Overall this was a decent book as it concludes the story that started at the beginning of the series on a good note. The second story showcased several small spotlights on each character with a different art style which works well within the story. One thing that lets the book down is that the big confrontation between the Young Avengers, Mother and Leah is resolved very quickly and is slightly anticlimactic. 6.5/10

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