Tuesday 4 August 2015

The Superior Spider-Man: Goblin Nation Review

Finished reading The Superior Spider-Man: Goblin Nation, this the concludes Doctor Octopus adventures as Spider-Man with his world crumbling around him as the Green Goblin's plans comes into fruition. The book opens up with Doc Ock looking over a crime rampant New York with Otto unable to understand how an army of Goblins was able to take over without his surveillance system picking up any of their activities. After taking apart one of his Spider-Bots Otto finds out that the Green Goblin had hacked the factual recognition system allowing him and his Goblin army free roam around New York. Spider-Man then tracks down the Green Goblin to his underground hide out where Goblin offers Otto to join him as his second in command which Otto strong refuses causing the Goblin to launch a full scale assault on Spider-Island and bombing other buildings that are close to Otto's life and legacy. As all of this is happening the remaining parts of Peter Parker's psyche accidentally get trapped within Otto Octavius memory's casing Peter to relive Otto's whole live up to the point where Otto received all of Perter's memory's when he became Spider-Man. Overall this was an amazing book as it ends the series on a high note as it comes to an end by wrapping up Goblin's story that started to unfold at the beginning of the series. The inclusion of Spider-Man 2099 feels very organic and not force and helps bring another angle to the story. While the side stories are very interesting as they feature different characters of Spider-Man's supporting cast show how each of them reacted to the Goblin's takeover. The tone of the book changes towards the end with the returned Peter Parker as Spider-Man which actually strengthen the story as it helps to create a bittersweet ending. 9/10

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