Saturday 29 August 2015

All-New Doop Review

Finished reading All New Doop, this book follows Doop's story as he tries to help the X-Men from behind the scenes as the team are dealing with the events of the Battle of the Atom storyline. The book opens up with Doop in the Doopspace grabbing his camera as he prepares to record the X-Men fighting Sentinels as Doop gives Kitty Pryde a letter and helps the X-Men's healer, Christopher Muse to make sure he saves young Cyclops from a Sentinel blast. Doop then goes to the Jean Gray School to fix the Blackbird as young Jean Gray and Cyclops escape from the future X-Men who what to send the original X-Men back in time. Then to meet back up with Kitty as Doop gets her to read the love letter he gave her and proposes with Kitty declining Doops offer because she doesn't understand him, causing Doop to shed his skin giving him the ability to speak english. Now being able to speak Doop takes Kitty on several different dates at some of Doops favourite places when Kitty tells Doop to take her back to the school to help the X-Men who are in the middle of dealing with the future X-Men. Overall this was a good book as it makes Doop a very relatable character with how he interacts with Kitty and other characters within the book. The artwork accompanies the story amazingly as its style helps to capture Doop's world and personality extremely well. There are some great comedic moments that range from some slapstick humor to some great character interactions. 7.5/10.

Friday 28 August 2015

Vacation Film Review

Finished watching Vacation, directed by Jonathan Goldstein and John Francis Daley and staring Ed Helms, Christina Applegate, Shyler Gisondo, Steele Stebbins, Keegan-Michael Key, Regina Hall and Catherine Missal. The film opens up with pilot Rusty Griswold (Ed Helms) coming home to his wife Debbie (Christina Applegate) and two sons James (Shyler Gisondo) and Kevin (Steele Stebbins) as they prepare for their friends Jack (Keegan-Michael Key) and Nancy (Regina Hall) where the two start talking about their family holiday to Paris making Debbie envious of Nancy. This causes Rusty to decide to hire a rental car and take a cross country road trip to the amusement park Walley World which he went to as a kid with his family. Overall this was a decent film as it has some good comedy with the antics of the family with the rental car being the source of some of the best comedy. The character dynamics are good but are let down by some some parts being resolved fairly easily with things like when Kevin stops bullying James because James gets a burst of confidence thanks to Adena (Catherine Missal), a girl he has a crush on with the next scene making it out that they got into a relationship on the same night Adena got embarrassed by James. 6.5/10.

Tuesday 25 August 2015

Amazing Spider-Man: Learning to Crawl Review

Finished reading Amazing Spider-Man: Learning to Crawl, this book takes place in the early days of Spider-Man's career as he transitions from an entertainer to the hero he is today. The book opens up with Spider-Man heading back home after confronting the man who killed his Uncle Ben as Peter decides to go back to his agent Maxie to get some more work as Spider-Man to help his Aunt with the bills. Meanwhile Spider-Man's biggest fan Clayton Cole gets tickets to Spidey's latest performance were Spider-Man shows of his Web Shooters which inspires Clayton to build his own costumed identity with sonic technology and calling himself Clash. Once his suit is fully functional Clash goes to Maxie to give Spidey a job for a stage fight between the two so Clayton can upload it online and make himself a household name like Spider-Man. After being humiliated by Spider-Man as Clash got webbed up a few minutes in to their fight Clayton starts to resent Spider-Man with him constantly getting in the way of Clayton's fame. Overall this was a good book as it showed how Spider-Man initially dealt with the loss of his uncle and how it affected him. Clayton's story is great as his character is developed very well as it runs parallel to and effects Peter's story. The art work is stellar as it captures a similar tone to that of classic Spider-Man stories in the sixties while also having its own twist to it. 7/10

Saturday 22 August 2015

Hulk: Banner D.O.A Review

Finished reading Hulk: Banner D.O.A this book deals with the fallout of writer Mark Waid's Indestructible Hulk series as he continues with a different direction for Bruce Banner and the Hulk. The book opens up with Bruce Banner on an operating table after being shot in the head by a group of people posing as S.H.I.E.L.D as they hope to control the Hulk by bringing in Dr Aaron Carpenter, a former classmate of Bruce, who is one of the worlds greatest brain surgeons to operate on him. Only for Bruce to Hulk out when the anaesthetic wears off causing the Hulk to escape by crashing into the middle of a nearby town. Weeks later Maria Hill and Phil Coulson find a brain damaged Bruce Banner who they decide to keep safe by placing a group of S.H.I.E.L.D agents in the town to keep an eye on Bruce. Meanwhile the shadowy organisation use some of the Hulk's DNA that they collected from Bruce earlier to resurrect Abomination as a mindless slave controlled by the leader of the organisation, in order to retrieve the Hulk which leads to the intervention of the Avengers. Overall this was a good book as it puts Bruce Banner into a situation where he is without his intelligence and willpower over the Hulk. The action scenes are spectacular thanks to some amazing artwork and writing. The story of Dr Aaron Carpenter is very interesting especially with how it ties into Bruce Banner's story. While the addition of the Avengers helps the story along as brings their reaction of Bruce's condition and whereabouts to the story. 7.5/10.

Friday 21 August 2015

Man From U.N.C.L.E Film Review

Finished watching Man From U.N.C.L.E directed by Guy Ritchie and staring Henry Cavill, Alicia Vikander, Christian Berkel, Armie Hammer, Elizabeth Debicki and Luca Calvani. The film opens up with in 1963 as CIA agent Napoleon (Henry Cavill) crosses the Berlin Wall to East Berlin to find Gaby Teller (Alicia Vikander) the daughter of former Nazi scientist Udo Teller (Christian Berkel) who has gone missing while working for the Americans, the two are then pursued by KGB agent Illya Kuryakin (Armie Hammer) as they attempt to cross the Wall. With the completion of the mission Napoleon is briefed on is next mission where he has to work with Illya as the two along with Gaby head to Rome to find Udo's captures Victoria (Elizabeth Debicki) and Alexander Vinciguerra (Luca Calvani) to prevent them from having their own supply of nuclear weapons thanks to the many scientists they have captured. Overall this was a good film as it captured the tone and vibe of the 1960's setting extremely well thanks to the use of props and costumes. The character development and interactions are great as Napoleon and Illya go from being rivals to friends over the duration of the film. The editing and camerawork of the chase and fight scenes are great thanks to use of some ingenious split screen and fast pace cutting between shots helps build tension with in the scenes. The comedy falls a bit flat in some areas as it doesn't always hit is mark but when it does its really funny. 7/10. 

Tuesday 18 August 2015

Amazing Spider-Man: Family Business Review

Finished reading Amazing Spider-Man: Family Business, this follows Peter Parker as he travels around the world discovering more about his parents while being hunted down by the Kingpin and his forces. The book opens up with New York's former kingpin of crime, Wilson Fisk in Tunisia as he recruits Mentallo after having him locked up inside a local asylum. Months later in New York Peter Parker is outside his local market hoping to pay his energy bill only for the shop to be closed after Spider-Man stops an illegal shipment of stolen laundry detergent outside of the shop causing the police to investigate. Back at home Peter is suddenly apprehended by several armed gunmen who end up losing Peter when he breaks the rope that was hoisting him to the gunmen's helicopter causing him to land inside a car being driven by a woman called Teresa Parker who claims to be his sister. After the two escape from their pursuers Teresa takes Peter around the world hoping to find out who's after them and why, while Teresa tries to learn about the sort of people her parents were. Overall this was a good book as it takes Spider-Man to a different backdrop without losing any of the charm of the character. The mystery of Teresa is enticing while the Kingpins motives and how he executes his plan is very intriguing. The art work is amazing as it helps to emulate the story and works well with the spy theme of the book as well as the fight scenes which are executed extremely well. 7.5/10.

Saturday 15 August 2015

The Superior Foes of Spider-Man: The Crime of the Century Review

Finished reading The Superior Foes of Spider-Man: The Crime of the Century, this continues the story of Boomerang and his version of the Sinister Six as they are whittled down to three members as Boomerang abandons the team and Shocker is hiding out at his apartment. The book opens up with the origin of the newest Beatle, Janice Lincoln the daughter of crime boss Tombstone. This then ties back into the main story as Tombstone helps Beatle, Overdrive and Speed Demon escape from the Owl where the team then attempt to find Boomerang as he set the three of them up. Meanwhile Boomerang is being questioned by Chameleon over the location of the head of Silvermane that he was promised which Shocker has in his apartment after accidentally finding it in a junkyard. Once Chameleon discovers the stolen painting of an unmasked Dr Doom he rights of all Boomerangs debts by taking the painting for himself. After Chameleon leaves Fred is then tracked down by a robot Bullseye who has been programmed by the Owl so he can get his painting back. The rest of the book showcases some smaller stories about some of the villains who have appeared in the series with the first lot coming from Beatle, Overdrive and Speed Demon who tell each other stories about how they've beaten a superhero before as they wait for the time-lock on the safe of a bar they are stealing from. While the other story's are of Grizzly and the Looter at the Villains Anonymous support group as the two of them tell the group how they got defeated by the Superior Spider-Man. Overall this was an amazing book as it continues the series without losing any of its heart and tone during the side stories that are by different creative teams to that of main story. The comedy is great and always on point which is strengthened by the great visuals of the art team. While the side stories bring some great character development that makes each of the character's story more intriguing. 9/10

Friday 14 August 2015

Fantastic Four Film Review

Finished watching Fantastic Four directed by Josh Trank and staring Owen Judge, Evan Hannemann, Miles Teller, Jamie Bell, Reg E Cathey, Kate Mara, Toby Kebbell and Michael B Jordan. The film opens up with a young Reed Richards (Owen Judge) being the laughing stock of his classmates with is dream of building a functional teleporter. While creating his prototype with parts from the local junkyard Reed meets a young Ben Grimm (Evan Hannemann) with the two quickly becoming friends. Years later at their schools science fair Reed (Miles Teller) and Ben (Jamie Bell) show of their miniature teleporter. This gains the attention of Franklin Storm (Reg E Cathey) along with his daughter Sue (Kate Mara) who give Reed a scholarship to work at the Baxter Building and recreate the telporter as they have had no success in building a fully functual teleporter. Once at the building Reed begins building the teleporter with Victor Von Doom (Toby Kebbell) and Johnny Storm (Michael B Jordan). Once the teleporter is fully functional Victor, Johnny and Reed in a drunken idea decide to explore the other dimension along with Ben Grimm who is invited by Reed. When the teams exploration goes bad they lose Victor in the dimension as Sue brings them back causing all of them to gain their superpowers. Overall this was a terrible film as all of the set up at the beginning of the film lands incredibly flat at the end. Some parts of the film happen conveniently as the story needs it to so the film can further on. After the characters gain their powers the film seems to rush to its anticlimactic ending with the only real fight scene of the film lasting a few minutes which consists of no real sense of danger and any team dynamic as Reed Richards could have beaten Dr Doom himself as he conveniently learnt how to properly use all of his powers in a matter of seconds when he was able to knock Doom out while the other members of the team were incarcerated by Doom. The only decent part on this film are the scenes set at the Baxter Building as its where the most character development is and even then it is very little as it happens during a montage of the characters working together. 3.5/10.

Tuesday 11 August 2015

Young Avengers: Mic-Drop at the Edge of Time and Space Review

Finished reading Young Avengers: Mic-Drop at the Edge of Time and Space, this concludes writer Kieron Gillen and lead artist Jamie McKelvie series as the Young Avengers finally head back to New York to confront the extra dimensional parasite know as the mother. The book opens up with Loki getting a phone call from Leah telling him that the Mother has fellow Young Avenger Hulkling as her prisoner, giving the Mother unlimited access to earth. This causes Wiccan and Loki to preform a ritual in order to age Loki in hopes to increase his powers. Once the team land in Central Park they call up all of the young heroes around the New York area for back up against the Mother's invading forces as the Young Avengers take the fight to Mother in her home dimension in order to rescue Hulkling. The second story features the Young Avengers and their friends who helped them against the Mother as they are having a New Years Party celebrating their victory over Mother. Overall this was a decent book as it concludes the story that started at the beginning of the series on a good note. The second story showcased several small spotlights on each character with a different art style which works well within the story. One thing that lets the book down is that the big confrontation between the Young Avengers, Mother and Leah is resolved very quickly and is slightly anticlimactic. 6.5/10

Saturday 8 August 2015

The Superior Foes of Spider-Man: Getting the Band Back Together Review

Finished reading The Superior Foes of Spider-Man: Getting the Band Back Together, this book begins the series following the super villain Boomerang as he leads his own version of the Sinister Six which only has five members. The book opens up with Boomerang narrating about how he got to the position he's in at the moment. After a visit from Shocker and Speed Demon in prison, Fred asks the two to pick up a few items form his local pet store. Meanwhile the Beatle and Overdrive are robbing a comic book shop so they can raise the money for Fred's bail. After meeting with his lawyer Boomerang and the rest of the team take a night on the town by eating in an expensive restaurant after breaking into the place. The team are then found by the Chameleon disguised as the Punisher who reminds Boomerang of his promise of retrieving the head of the former crime boss Silivo Silvermane. The next day in court Fred is given a parole officer who turns out the be his old teammate Mach VII the original Beatle, this causes the Sinister Six to kick Boomerang out of the team as they decide to go after the head on their own leading to Fred to sellout the team to Mach VII in order to be the one who leads the charge on the hideout of the criminal the Owl to retrieve Silvermane's head. Overall this was an amazing book as it makes characters which are normally portrayed as villains come centre stage as protagonists in their own right. The comedy is laugh out loud funny with the use of great dialogue and the visuals form the art team help to endorse it as the jokes range form a visual thought of Boomerang said that his lawyer is dead to him to the Owl shamelessly talking about his car which is a total product placement. The character interactions are great as characters bounce off of one another which helps the story to further on. 9/10

Friday 7 August 2015

Mission: Impossible - Rogue Nation Film Review

Finished watching Mission: Impossible - Rogue Nation directed by Christopher McQuarrie and starring Tom Cruse, Simon Pegg, Sean Harris, Jens Hultén, Rebecca Ferguson, Jeremy Renner, Alec Baldwin and Ving Rhames. The film opens up with IMF agents Ethan Hunt (Tom Cruse) and Benji Dunn (Simon Pegg) on a mission to stop the shipment of nerve gas. The film then changes location to London as Ethan heads to a record store to get his new orders only to be captured by Solomon Lane (Sean Harris) the head of the Syndicate, a criminal organisation that Ethan has been tracking since the end of the previous film. After awaking inside a secure room tied up ready to be interrogated by Janik Vinter (Jens Hultén) only for one of the Syndicate's agents, Ilsa Faust (Rebecca Ferguson) to help Ethan escape from his captors. Once Ethan gets into contact with fellow agent William Brandt (Jeremy Renner) to update him about what has happened only to find out that the IMF has been taken over by the CIA causing Ethan to go rogue. After six months underground and being constantly pursued by the CIA and its director Alan Hunley (Alec Baldwin) Ethan brings Benji in to help him against the Syndicate. Overall this was a great film as it keeps what made the franchise great in the first place and builds upon it. The action choreography is executed extremely well throughout the film. The chase scene is one of the highlights of the film as it has some great interactions between Ethan and Benji as well as William and Luther (Ving Rhames), while the camerawork within the motorbike part of the chase helps keep the tension of the scene by using point of view shots of Ethan's perspective and the use of chase. While the character of Benji brings some great comedic moments expressly with the heist planning as there's an almost daydream like scene where Benji is going through a possible way to tackle the mission which involves the classic face masks only for Ethan to break it apart. One thing that lets the film down is the state of flux of where Ilsa's loyalty lies as throughout the film she goes form saving Ethan to manipulating him and her background changers from being a MI6 agent to an outcast. 8/10.

Tuesday 4 August 2015

The Superior Spider-Man: Goblin Nation Review

Finished reading The Superior Spider-Man: Goblin Nation, this the concludes Doctor Octopus adventures as Spider-Man with his world crumbling around him as the Green Goblin's plans comes into fruition. The book opens up with Doc Ock looking over a crime rampant New York with Otto unable to understand how an army of Goblins was able to take over without his surveillance system picking up any of their activities. After taking apart one of his Spider-Bots Otto finds out that the Green Goblin had hacked the factual recognition system allowing him and his Goblin army free roam around New York. Spider-Man then tracks down the Green Goblin to his underground hide out where Goblin offers Otto to join him as his second in command which Otto strong refuses causing the Goblin to launch a full scale assault on Spider-Island and bombing other buildings that are close to Otto's life and legacy. As all of this is happening the remaining parts of Peter Parker's psyche accidentally get trapped within Otto Octavius memory's casing Peter to relive Otto's whole live up to the point where Otto received all of Perter's memory's when he became Spider-Man. Overall this was an amazing book as it ends the series on a high note as it comes to an end by wrapping up Goblin's story that started to unfold at the beginning of the series. The inclusion of Spider-Man 2099 feels very organic and not force and helps bring another angle to the story. While the side stories are very interesting as they feature different characters of Spider-Man's supporting cast show how each of them reacted to the Goblin's takeover. The tone of the book changes towards the end with the returned Peter Parker as Spider-Man which actually strengthen the story as it helps to create a bittersweet ending. 9/10

Saturday 1 August 2015

Superior Spider-Man Team-Up: Superior Six Review

Finished reading Superior Spider-Man Team-Up: Superior Six, this showcases different stories featuring Doctor Octopus as the Superior Spider-Man. The book opens up with the Wrecking Crew breaking into Alchemax only to be stopped by Spider-Man and his new Superior Six which consists of the former members of the Sinister Six who are under his control as they assist Sun Girl. After retreating the Wrecking Crew go to Lightmaster as they reassemble the Masters of Evil to retrieve the Quantum Particle Engine after Spider-Man placed it into storage at Parker Industries since taking it from Alchemax earlier. The second story deals with the aftermath of the failure of the Superior Six, Spider-Man gets caught in a crossfire between Namor and a group soldiers from Wakanda. The next story has Spider-Man, Daredevil and the Punisher teaming up as they head to Spider-Island where they are met with an ambush orchestrated by the Green Goblin as he got a large group of his henchmen undercover as Spider-Man's own Spiderlings. The final story has Otto having a flashback during the events of Goblin Nation after to years prior where Doc Ock is invited to a European castle where he meets with Norman Osborn so they can use their superior intellects to defeat Spider-Man once and for all. Overall this was a good book as each story deals with a different aspect of Doc Ock's life as Spider-Man in the present and in the past as Otto Octavius. The Punisher and Daredevil have some great interactions and the fight scenes are executed extremely well throughout the story. While the flashback story gives Otto a different dynamic that is very relatable and shows the type of relationship he has with the Green Goblin which brings about an interesting read. 7.5/10.