Tuesday 2 October 2018

She-Hulk: Let Them Eat Cake Review

Finished reading She-Hulk: Let Them Eat Cake, writer Mariko Tamaki continues the series as Jen Walters is still getting used to her new Hulk persona when an internet celebrity finds himself in a similar situation when he his transformed into a monster. The book opens with Jen at a trauma support group before heading to a construction site to let of some steam when Hellcat shows up as the two catch up on recent events. Meanwhile internet celebrity Oliver Constantin is preparing for the next episode of his online cooking show when one of the cameramen named Steve puts a drug on to a cake Oliver later try's while live on the internet which begins to turn him into a monster while the world is watching. This prompts Jen to begin an investigation of what happened. The last story in the book sees Jen getting ready to go on a date with the help of Hellcat as the to discuss the state of Jen’s love life before discovering that her date is more than what they seem. Overall this was a good book as continues with Jen's story with how her life has changed since the end of Marvel's Civil War II event and the inclusion of the internet sensation Oliver Constantin becoming a monster allows for some great parallels to Jen's own story with the type of Hulk she is that makes this a very personal case that she takes. The structure book’s opening story is great as its able to tell a investigation story with Jen at the helm allowing for the supporting cast to have some great moments while also making time for a nice amount of character development for Jen with how her motive to help Oliver coming from what she is dealing within her own personal life as a Hulk. The art throughout the book is great as the entire art team is able to put a nice amount of focus on the way characters are able to emote along bring to like some great monster designs to life especially with the fight scene between Jen and Oliver where the character designs are used to their fullest. 7.5/10.

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