Tuesday 25 September 2018

Amazing Spider-Man: Worldwide: Volume Seven Review

Finished reading Amazing Spider-Man: Worldwide: Volume Seven, writer Dan Slott continues the series as Spider-Man finds himself in the middle of the Secret Empire event as Peter's time as a globetrotting heroes and company CEO comes to and end. The book opens with Peter Parker being interviewed about recent events from his battle with Ben Reilly to using his company's own resources in Symkaria to stop Norman Osborn. The interview is cut short when the new of an oncoming Chitauri invasion along with New York being blocked off from the outside world, Peter heads to the Parker Industries offices in London where he discovers that Doctor Octopus along with a group of Hydra agents have taken over the building as Otto hopes to reclaim to company while also helping Hydra with their plans in world domination. Which includes keeping the heroes occupied in New York and with the Chitauri invasion. The next story centres around Norman Osborn as he try's to regain his Green Goblin persona after his recent defeat by Spider-Man which leads to Norman going to a temple within a mountain range with the hope that magic might be a way to become the Goblin again. The rest of the book sees Spider-Man dealing with the aftermath of Secret Empire as Peter is living on Mockingbird's sofa since the collapse of his company which makes Peter one of the most hated people in New York as he along his friend Harry are dealing with the remaining assets of the company to pay any legal fees and the former employees while Peter is also trying to find a new job which he surprisingly gets for the Daily Bugle. Overall this was a great book as it brings an end to the Parker Industries part of Spider-Man's life in a very interesting way thanks to the inclusion of Doctor Octopus while also setting up the next part of Peter's life back home in New York. The Secret Empire part of the book is great as it brings a nice conclusion to Peter's time as a globetrotting superhero and company CEO by giving each of the different supporting cast that have been introduced great send offs with how they come together to stop Otto and Hydra. The art the the book is great as artist Stuart Immonen does a great job in making the action sequences throughout the book feel suspenseful especially during Spider-Man's fight with Doctor Octopus, while the more the more character driven moments have a great amount of detail within the expressions of each character that works extremely well with the books dialogue. Additionally Greg Smallwood's art for the Norman Osborn centric story does a great job in bring the more magical elements of the story to life extremely well and making the Green Goblin parts feel very foreboding. 8/10.

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