Tuesday 19 June 2018

Green Arrow: Hard-Traveling Hero Review

Finished reading Green Arrow: Hard-Traveling Hero, writer Benjamin Percy continues the DC Rebirth series as Oliver goes on a road trip around America with the hope to stop the Ninth Circle from expanding their influence outside of Star City. The book opens with Oliver Queen on the road when he meets with the Flash after a group of dear run past him at super speed, which leads to the two heroes having to work together when a group from Black Hole are working with a member of the Ninth Circle have set up a base in the mountain range and are using Speed Force energy that's effecting the local area. After rescuing one of the scientists and destroying the base, Oliver discovers that his next destination is Washington DC when he meets with Wonder Woman when the Ninth Circle crash an arms showcase. This then leads to Oliver having to stop a mechsuited member of the Ninth Circle before following leads to Metropolis and Gotham in hopes to stop the spread of the Ninth Circle activities in other cities. Overall this was a good book as sends Green Arrow into the widened DC universe as he meets and teams up with the Justice League to stop the Ninth Circle leads to some great interactions between Oliver and the other heroes leading to him rebuilding his relationship with the heroes. The connective tissue between each of Green Arrow's team ups is very interesting as the same person from the Ninth Circle following him around and causing problems not only for Oliver but the hero he's with as well. The inclusion of Black Canary and Emi's story back in Star City is extremely interesting with how it shows what is happening in Star City while Oliver is away and how the two are trying to help with Oliver's upcoming court case by trying to prove his innocence. The art throughout the book is amazing as it shows off the different locations that Green Arrow travel to from large cities to even traveling into space with Green Lantern have a great amount of detail while asleep have some almost breathtaking moments. Additionally the art also does an amazing job in bringing each hero to life with how they interact with Oliver along with how each of their power sets work with Oliver's own abilities. 7.5/10.

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