Saturday 12 May 2018

Nightwing: Blockbuster Review

Finished reading Nightwing: Blockbuster, continuing writer Tim Seeley's time with the character as Dick finds herself against a new version of Blockbuster and his past as a spy comes back into his life once again. The book opens with Nightwing trying to stop a gun fight between two river gangs that have been supplied with some dangerous weaponry that is being brought into Blüdhaven. Meanwhile on the other side of city the villain Tiger Shark has open the Marcus Casino who gets the attention of Roland Desmond the newest Blockbuster after Roland catches a guy cheating Tiger ask ark gives Roland the job in getting Nightwing's attention which leads to Roland putting his own plans into fruition. The next story sees Dick trying to cope the recent death of his friend Giz who was looking into the weapons that were supplied to some of Blüdhaven's criminals which leads to Dick's former partner at Spyral, Helena Bertinelli coming back into his life as she has also been looking into the weapons which the two soon find themselves at odds with the former spy organisation they worked for. Overall this was an amazing book as it introduces a new antagonist in the form of Roland Desmond who is a very intriguing character to go up against Nightwing as they both what to save Blüdhaven in different ways and the amount of backstory that Roland gets helps to sympathise with the character in how his motives effect him. The book also does an amazing in the characters relationship as there are some emotional moment especially between Dick and Shawn that come across like seeing a real relationship at work. While the other interactions with the whole cast of characters help to develop each character while bring some suspense within some scenes while also bring some great comedy especially for some of Dick's dialogue and thoughts. The art throughout the book is amazing as the action, character moments and location designs are brought to life exceptionally well thanks to the amount of detail that has been put into the book which allows the action scenes to hit their mark and the emotional moments having a lasting effect. 9.5/10.

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