Tuesday 6 February 2018

Amazing Spider-Man: Renew Your Vows: Brawl in the Family Review

Finished reading Amazing Spider-Man: Renew Your Vows: Brawl in the Family, picking up after the story set within Marvel's Secret Wars event as classic Spider-Man writer Gerry Conway send Spider-Man and his family on their first official adventure as a family of superheroes. The book opens with Spider-Man returning home after a fight with the Scorpion where Peter and Mary Jane discover that their daughter Annie has been tinkering with a web-shooter. The next day when Peter is at work at the Bugle when news of a sinkhole appearing in the former site where Spider-Man and his family defeated Regent. Once at the site Spider-Man finds himself in a fight against a T-Rex and a group of Moloids when Mary Jane shows up to help only to discover that Annie has left school and is now being dragged away by the Moloids who are being led by Mole Man. The next story opens with Annie being excited that it's the one night of the week that Peter and Mary Jane promise to spend as a family where they end up at a place of Annie's choices. Meanwhile in the bank next door Sandman has organised a bank heist that Spider-Man becomes aware of when Annie has another one of her precognition visions. Overall this was an amazing book as writer Gerry Conway builds upon the universe that was set up in the Secret Wars tie in by bring a some amazing character moments for the whole family thanks to the way the not only feel like a real famine but how they work together as a family and a superhero team. The structure of the book works incredibly well as it helps to give the spotlight to each family member by showing the day to day of their personal life's outside of being a family and their own reactions to the situations they find themselves in. The art throughout the book is amazing as artists Ryan Stegman brings the family drama, the action set pieces between the heroes, Mole Man and his Moloids along with the location and panel designs are blended together perfectly. Additionally Nate Stockman's art for the final story within the book is also great as it has a similar aesthetic to the rest of the book while also bringing an amazing amount of emphasis on each characters emotions. 9.5/10.

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